The Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal (IRCMJ) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed, continuous, and ISI- Journal, affiliated to Iranian Hospital- Dubai, publishes original scientific studies in English that have direct clinical significance on Basic Science, Clinical Medicine, Humanitarian Assistance, Trauma, and Disaster Management. The journal strives to strengthen connections between research and practice, so enhancing professional development and improving practice within the field of medicine. Original papers submitted to this journal which do not adhere to the Instructions for Authors will be returned for appropriate revision to be in line with the Instructions for Authors. They may then be re-submitted.

Volume 25 (2023)
Volume 24 (2022)
Volume 23 (2021)
Volume 22 (2020)
Volume 21 (2019)
Volume 20 (2018)
Volume 19 (2017)

Research articles

Review articles

Research articles

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