Document Type : Research articles


Special Department of Vascular Anomalies, Linyi Tumor Hospital, Linyi, Shandong, China


Background: Post-treatment nursing care is essential for patients with venous malformations (VMs) after they have undergone treatment. Effective post-treatment nursing care requires adequate resources, effective communication, patient compliance, and addressing psychological distress. However, the clinical care plan for VMs in the pharyngeal isthmus is not clear.
Objectives: The present study aims to explore the clinical nursing strategy after the treatment of VMs in the pharynx area.
Methods: In this study, the patients with VM in the pharynx region who received anhydrous ethanol sclerosis injection and/or surgical treatment in our Hospital from January 2013 to November 2018 were recruited. A total of 143 patients who had completed medical records were included in this prospective cohort study. The patients' post-operative vital signs were closely observed, the respiratory tract was maintained, the oral cavity was cleaned, and the nursing care of indwelling endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy was performed. After the clinical follow-ups of one to five years, long-term efficacy was also observed. We summarized their nursing care treatments.
Results: The results showed that there were 0 patients rated as grade I, 3 patients rated as grade II, 17 patients rated as grade III, and 123 patients rated as grade IV after long-term efficacy.
Conclusion: Appropriate anhydrous ethanol sclerotherapy can be selected for patients with pharyngeal venous malformation, and this method combined with the clinical nursing strategy after treatment concluded in this study can effectively reduce the volume of VM, with fewer side effects, and can effectively improve breathing, swallowing, and vocal function.


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