Document Type : Research articles


Social Determinants of Health Research Center Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran.


Introduction: In disasters, patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, are considered to be a vulnerable population. This study aimed to examine the natural disaster preparedness knowledge of patients with chronic diseases in Iran with a focus on diabetic patients and those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) admitted to Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran, Iran.
Methodology: This cross-sectional survey was administered from August 2020 to April 2021. A disaster preparedness knowledge questionnaire was devised and validated, subsequently. A total of 86 eligible patients were selected using the census method and completed the questionnaire. The questionnaire included items on patients knowledge of disasters (n=7), personal preparedness of patients in disasters (n=8), and family and community preparedness in disasters (n=4).

Results: A total of 86 patients were included in this survey, including 44 (51.2%) males. In total, 64% (n=55), 34.9% (n=30), and 1.2% (n=1) of patients had diabetes, COPD, and both, respectively. Two-thirds of patients reported that they had no good knowledge of disaster and emergency awareness and preparedness.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results and due to the low readiness of patients, it is necessary to make decisions to improve the patients readiness. Therefore, it is possible to help promote the level of knowledge and preparedness of patients with diabetes and COPD to improve the health results during and after disasters through the adoption of required strategies and comprehensive plans in different areas of public health.


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