Document Type : Research articles


1 University of Health Sciences Kartal Kosuyolu Higher Specialty Trainin and Research Hospital Istanbul

2 University of Health Sciences Kartal Kosuyolu Higher Specialty Training and Research Hospital Istanbul/Turkey

3 University of Health Sciences Kartal Kosuyolu Higher Specialty Trainin and Research Hospital Istanbul/Turkey


objective: The present study aims to evaluate the incidence of  signet ring cell (SRC) histology in patients with gastric cancer and its prognostic significance on the disease stage.
Methods:  Between November 2006 and September 2019, 309 patients were reviewed retrospectively in Kartal Ko?uyolu High Specialization Training and Research Hospital Gastroenterology Surgery clinic in Turkey and the clinicopathological features and survival status were examined in the presence of ring cell histology.
Results: Of the patients, 71.4% had gastric cancer with a non-SRC histology and 28.6% had an SRC histology. The presence of an SRC histology was found to be associated with young age (p=0.007), advanced depth of wall invasion (p=0.001), number of positive lymph nodes (p=0.022) and presence of vascular invasion (p=0.044). The presence of an  SRC histology was associated with good prognosis in patients with stage I gastric cancer (p=0.045), but with poor prognosis in patients with stage III disease (p=0.034). The study found no significant association between stage II disease and overall survival.
Conclusions: The present study found survival to be associated with good prognosis in stage I, and poor prognosis in stage III among patients with gastric cancer with SRC histology. No prognostic significance could be established for overall survival.


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